More About Us
Auto Express is a part of MGC. We have experience in car and van rentals, and have a wide range of vehicles to select from.
We currently have offers and deals on our rentals that may interest you.
Our Experience
Some of our team have been around long enough to have owned many cars. Others are young enough to not own one.
We’re united in our goal of building an effective car rental service.
Our ramp-up process is designed to strategise and provide you and your organisation with the essential vehicles needed to succeed. Talk to us today about how we can support your personal and business trip.
Our Approach
Our service includes, but is not limited to:
Daily Rental
Short Term Rental
Airport Pick up & Drop off
Inter—state Travel
Why Us?
Business success is key—that’s why when it comes to your business logistics, we are top of the chain, from planning, and management to the complete lifecycle of your business and personal logistic model. Together we’ll create and refine your plan for success.
We didn’t get there alone. And neither will you.